NewsAlgorand Foundation announces first winners of Development Awards - Proofbox, Inc

Algorand Foundation announces first winners of Development Awards - Proofbox, Inc


Algorand Foundation

Since Algorand Foundation launched its Development Awards Program last year, many developers around the world have been eager to participate. After thorough review and selection, Proofbox Inc. became one of the first developers to receive the award.

Proofbox Inc. is the team behind the award winning Proofplum is the easiest way to anchor any document on the public blockchain. Today, ownership and verification is done manually by showing an email or PDF document. Proofplum provides blockchain anchored ownership certification that can be verified by anyone, at any time and is easily transferable to a new owner.

“Blockchain applications and crypto wallets are complex to use today” said Arun Nedun, Founder of Proofbox, Inc. “To engage with other blockchains, users need to first create a wallet, buy some crypto, store private keys and try to create a transaction and then wait for a few hours to get confirmation. Our goal was to change all that by simply providing a drag and drop interface to anchor any document on the blockchain. We achieved this goal by utilizing Algorand SDK to hide all complexities and create a blockchain transaction in Algorand blockchain within seconds”.

Algorand Foundation is proud to support this project with funding through the Algorand Development Award program. For more information on the project specifically, please email If you are interested in submitting a project for support from the Algorand Development Award fund, please apply here.

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