
How to Submit Grant Proposals

City landscape

In this first version of xGov, community members are able to submit grant proposals for review and selection by the xGovernors. 

If you don't have a GitHub account, you must first create one before starting this process. A FREE tier account is all you need. This process describes how to submit your grant proposal using the xGov Github repository.

Step 1: Navigate to https://github.com/algorandfoundation/xGov

Step 2: Read the instructions on README.md

Step 3: Click on the Template form link to view the proposal template. Read the information on the template page. You will need to submit your proposal to the folder Proposals, as specified.

Step 4: Click on the “copy raw contents” icon on the right side of the screen, next to the edit (pencil icon) drop down button. This will copy the contents of the template.

Step 5: Click on Proposals, click on Add file, then Create new file:

Step 6: Paste the content you copied earlier from the template.

Step 7: Name the file with the next available number for the repository. For example, if the last proposal was xgov-2.md, your proposal must be xgov-3.md.

Step 8: Start working through the template and replacing the template information with your proposal information. Add as much info as possible to help the xGovs understand your proposal and why they should vote on it.

Important: When you first submit a proposal leave the status as Draft until xGovs have had a chance to review it and ask questions. You may need to update your proposal based on their questions and/or suggestions. Only after the conversation with the xGovs is concluded and they are satisfied with your proposal, you should change the status from Draft to Final.

Important: If you change your proposal status without discussing it with the community, you may not receive the amount of votes required to fund your proposal.

Step 9: Review your proposal, add a comment if you like, then click on Propose new file.

Step 10: Create a Pull Request (PR). Add name of your proposal to your PR and add any comments you may like, so one of Algorand Foundation github admins can approve your PR.

You will see that your proposal is now waiting for approval.

The Algorand Foundation admin will approve your request and xGovs will be able to see and comment on your proposal.

For questions and support about this process, join our Discord server and post your question on the ARC34 channel, under ARCs